My dog gets scared when the furnace comes on

The sound of the furnace is very loud.

Thicker walls would help drown out the sound much better. It has never bothered me at all, but I am naturally aware every time the machine turns on. The sound is very loud and obnoxious. It almost seems like a truck is going to run through the wall. My girlfriend moved in with me a couple of months ago. The sound of the furnace really freaks out her dog. I love the cute and fluffy little dog, but he is a nightmare. At night, he howls and whines every time the furnace comes on. He doesn’t stop until the furnace shuts off. It could be 15 or 20 minutes of whining and howling. My girlfriend told me that the dog will eventually get better, and I hope that is true. It will not be a lot of fun if the dog continues to howl every time the furnace comes on. The furnace is the only way I have to heat my home. It’s not as if I can easily switch to a different type of heating system. If the dog doesn’t get accustomed to the sound of the furnace, then my girlfriend and I are really going to need to think about our living arrangements. Listening to the dog howl every single night is going to get old very quickly, especially when I’m only getting a couple of hours of sleep each night. I don’t want to be grumpy and cranky with my girlfriend, but I have to be able to sleep in order to perform my job during the day.

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