I wanted the ductwork cleaned and sanitized after the mice

The guys recommended calling an HVAC service company to clean, sanitize, and seal the door.

I’ve had terrible insomnia the last couple of weeks. I’ve taken almost every over-the-counter remedy that I can find. Melatonin doesn’t work and neither does the medicines that are supposed to make you drowsy and hope you sleep all night. I even tried smoking marijuana with one of my friends. The guy I promised that I would get high and go to sleep. I slept for an hour or two and then I woke up ready to go. I was laying in bed awake a couple of weeks ago and I heard a light sound inside of the ductwork above my bed. It was hard to pinpoint the sound, but it seemed to be coming from the ventilation ductwork. The sound stayed in one spot for a while and then it started to move. That’s when I started to believe the problem might be mice. I had mice and the house once before, but they were not inside of the ductwork. I called an exterminator the next day. The exterminator for the property agreed that there were mice in the ductwork. The guys spent most of the day removing the verbs. They informed me that there was quite a bit of damage to the ductwork. The guys recommended calling an HVAC service company to clean, sanitize, and seal the door. They gave me the name of a place that is local, but they told me I could call anyone that I wanted. I decided to use the HVAC company recommended to me by the exterminator. They were local and came with great reviews.

indoor air quality