I was happy to have control of my HVAC preferences back

When I stay at someone else’s house, I try not to be too picky or needy.

They are already being kind enough to extend their house to me, so I don’t want to come off as disrespectful or high maintenance.

A couple weeks ago, I went to visit an old friend and stayed at her house, and when I arrived, I noticed right away that the air was dry. I hadn’t thought about how I was so used to my whole house humidifier and how it would feel to go without it for a week. I felt like my throat and skin were so dry. I didn’t want to complain, but I could tell the difference. I also felt like the house was way warmer than it needed to be. However, I honestly did not think it was my place to adjust the control unit, by the end of the week, my skin was so dry that I had many cuts on my knuckles. When I got home, I was so ecstatic to be back in control of my heating and cooling preferences. It took many afternoons for the moisture in my skin to return, but I still felt an immediate relief. When you are staying at someone else’s house, you don’t want to insult anything. It just goes to show you that there is no location like home, especially when you have an amazing A/C system.

heating corp