HVAC systems for the livestock

I am an outlaw repair tech, totally off the grid as far as taxes are distraught.

I don’t take credit cards or checks, currency or barter only. Yes, I will take barter, if you have something that I want. I did some AC repairs on a guy’s truck once for numerous chickens, which are still giving me eggs to this very day, we are so deep out in the country I doubt anyone in the IRS will ever notice, but I still have to be careful, the government doesn’t like people running their own corporation and making currency, so I have to make sure my HVAC repair stays on the hush-hush. In this section of the country, I have a lot of purchasers, and everyone agrees that we should keep the government out of my affairs. If you don’t think much about farms, you may not think that most current farms have heating systems and ventilation systems in their barns. If you are holding pets inside a contained area, it’s pressing to have correct ventilation so those potential dangerous gasses don’t accumulate/ I have never met a farmer that wanted a/c for his livestock, but almost all of them require some kind of rudimentary furnace to keep the pets alive through the drastic winters, and on top of the farm work, I also do a lot of home repairs on heating and cooling systems. We have a lot of very seasoned houses in this area, with gas heating systems and water boilers that are just as old, and need correct care to keep them strong.

air conditioning supplier