It is important to have undefined in public universitys
The trees gave shade and having class outdoors was better than being in the hour floor gym that got extremely boiling from all those teenagers running around.
All of us are in the 21st century and recognize it or not, but there are many cities with public universitys that have no available in their classrooms. It is important that children and teens have comfortable environments to prevent any interference in their ability to learn. The nice news is, except for a few weeks of summer time university, universitys are properly on recess while in the warmer Summer months. However, while in the month of May and June when the temperatures could rise into the 90s, it could become uncomfortable in the classroom for the students as well as the faculty members. I recognize the cost for equipping these buildings with central air would be quite sizable, hence the reason the university board is perhaps hesitant to fund needs. All of us had no when I attended high university back in the early 2000’s. However, the temperature back then did not rise to the levels that the people I was with and I see this week, and on mornings that the people I was with and I considered hot, the people I was with and I simply opened the windows to the classrooms to let the air circulate through. In addition, our gym teacher held classes in the park situated across the street. The trees gave shade and having class outdoors was better than being in the hour floor gym that got extremely boiling from all those teenagers running around. Recently, the university board in the town where I lived, approved the funds to install Heating, Ventilation, and A/C units in all their public universitys. Their mission is to have this project completed by the end of 2022. I hope the students from our old high university will benefit from their new central air units because I can only imagine how hard it must have been lately to focus on universitywork while sitting in a classroom that felt more like a boiler room.