My brother finally could see the reason in buying a smart thermostat
Everytime I would visit my brother, I couldn’t help but stare at the old dial thermostat on his wall.
- I always asked him about it and when he was planning to go for a replacement.
He would calmly tell me all the time that it worked fine and there was no reason to have it replaced. He told me that it would probably last longer than him. I guessed he might be right, but I asked him if he was okay about missing out on the energy savings. When he asked me what I was talking about, I let him know about how smart thermostats save people an average of 15% on their energy bills. He furrowed his eyebrow and said that was impossible. I looked up the information on my phone right quick and then showed him. I told him to see for himself and he read the information on the phone. He said even if these smart thermostats save people money like that, why would he just quit using something that had nothing wrong with it. I had to tell my brother that when we invest in new things, we usually do it to help ourselves out in some way. In this case, investing in a smart thermostat would be a wise investment because it would ultimately save a lot of money on the energy bills and that money would add up. He finally agreed and got a new smart thermostat. I helped him install it and everything and now it’s so much nicer seeing something like that on his wall. He’s happy about the energy savings and the cool features of the smart thermostat now.