The only place I would have radiant heated flooring is the powder room.
I kept telling my husband that the only place I would have radiant heated flooring was in the powder room.
She seems to wave away my words and continue on with all his planning.
She was planning on having radiant heating in the kitchen and in the powder rooms. I wasn’t having any of it. I wanted to have respected heating in the kitchens and in the main rooms. I didn’t suppose the two of us needed to have heat in the kitchen, but radiant heating in the powder rooms seemed right. I called the Heating, Ventilation & A/C supplier and asked for an quote on having radiant heated flooring installed in the powder rooms. When the Heating, Ventilation & A/C company arrived, my husband told him he was interested in having radiant heated flooring in the kitchen. I tried to interrupt her, however he was listening only to her, and he was ignoring me. I asked his to get us both a cup of coffee, and I took his seat. She was a bit miserable, however he went to the kitchen and made us all coffee. In the meantime, I had told him the radiant heated flooring was only to go into the powder rooms, and nowhere else. If radiant heated flooring was placed anywhere else in the house, he would not get paid. I’m pretty sure he got my message, because when my husband came back into the kitchen, he told his how nice it was to meet his and hastily left. She narrowed his eyup at me, and told myself and others I had pulled a dirty trick, i’m sure that was just round one of the radiant heated flooring discussion.