Simple tricks to boost airflow through the vents
Anyone with any HVAC system understands or is familiar with the need for good airflow.
The HVAC system only works when there is excellent ventilation and airflow. As such, anything that boosts proper airflow to the system should be encouraged. In this case, understanding how to boost airflow through the vents is a hack that many homeowners with such air conditioning systems can benefit from. The first thing you ought to do is to check vents and registers for every room. Make sure to keep them open even when you don’t intend to cool a specific room. The disadvantage of closing registers is that it tends to overwork the HVAC system and adversely affect the airflow. It helps to discuss with the HVAC professional whose expertise is registers and vents. Some rooms may not need extra cooling because they are rarely in use. For such cases, consider going for the zoned ACs as they allow your system to work optimally without wasting energy on cooling unused rooms. Secondly, you can consider turning on ceiling fans since playing around with ceiling fans works like magic. For instance, have them rotate in a counterclockwise direction during summer. This will provide a cooling effect that, in turn, keeps you cooled. While these ceilings do not necessarily lower temperatures, they allow you time enough to turn up your thermostat even in summer as a way of saving you cost. The cooling effect caused by the fans allows you to conveniently operate your thermostat at higher settings without making anyone else uncomfortable and, at the same time, saving money since it supports the air conditioning unit.