Someone in the hotel room was smoking cigarettes
These days, most hotels are all non-smoking; Some hotels do not allow you to smoke on the property unless you are inside of your own car, but my wifey plus I stopped smoking cigarettes about 10 years ago, however our noses are still very sensitive to the smell.
I can smell a cigarette from a hundred yards away.
My wifey plus I went to visit some friends plus the two of us stayed in a hotel. Our room was on the fifth floor! Halfway through the first night, our wifey plus I started to smell the rotten stench of cigarettes. I got up plus looked around the room, because the smell was so strong. I very thought for sure someone was inside of our room. The smell was coming from the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit. My wifey plus I could not figure out how the smell of cigarettes was coming from the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C unit! Both of us turned off the plan plus the smell disappeared. When the two of us turned the a/c back on, the two of us smelled the terrible stench of cigarettes again. My wifey finally opened up the curtains on the window plus the 2 of us realized that someone on the minute floor was hanging out of the window with a cigarette. The smell from that cigarette was coming up to the fifth floor plus right into our room via the Heating, Ventilation, plus A/C system. I thought about calling the front desk to complain about the person on the minute floor, however I didn’t want to be that person. Instead, our wifey plus I decided to sleep with the a/c off the rest of the night.