At last we got a/c
At the end of that drive, there was the sweet, sweet relief of our pops’ house, which was equipped with the best invention of all- air conditioner
Muggy, hot and overheard. All words that 1 could apply to a sauna; or the back seat of our pops 2000 Lexus- really, though, that’s the same difference. I love my pops so much, but that adoration in no way extends to his cracked-leather-seated jalopy of a truck. When he would get me from middle school, it was horrible. It was always so stuffy in there. I had to peel myself off of that backseat every day. The seatbelt was so hot, plus the metal bit burned your hand if you touched it by accident- it was unforgiving. As soon as you stepped into that hot box, there was sweat at the back of your neck. Your thighs started sticking to the seat, the heated leather bonding to your sweaty skin. You already started to feel the temperature rise, the blood rush that provided off the pink-tinged smile of a fifth grader going through preliminary heat stroke symptoms. Those truck rides were nothing short of sweltering suffocation; but there was 1 saving grace. At the end of that drive, there was the sweet, sweet relief of our pops’ house, which was equipped with the best invention of all- air conditioner. When the automobile finally pulled to a stop, my sibling and I were racing towards the front door before he hit park. The two of us would lay in front of the air conditioning system vent for an hour at least, enjoying the cold air over our sweaty skin.