My hubby ordered a humidifier for the house.
For the last more than one years, the people I was with and I had been using portable humidifiers all Wintertide long.
All of us have a fireplace that works wonderfully for heating the house.
The complication was that a fireplace pulls all the moisture out of the air. All of us had to have humidifiers to put the moisture back in the air. My hubby started tiring of trudging down the stairs into the basement. He would carry the water back up the basement stairs plus up the steps to the beach house landing, where he filled the humidifier. He followed this routine three times a day for at least more than three weeks a year. I understood how fatigued he was of this routine, however he took a legitimately fancy route. He called the Heating plus Air Conditioning company plus told them he needed a humidifier that would run with the heating system. I had to confess that the humidifier worked well, plus I was no longer itchy all the time. I just couldn’t figure out why he had done such a rash move. When he finally fessed up, he told myself and others that he figured out how many times he had climbed the stairs over the last three years. He figured how many gallons of water he had carried. He also figured out how much wood he had split plus carried for the fireplace. He thought that a new heating system that had a humidifier attached was better for both of us. I have to confess that I am feeling much better since the people I was with and I quit using the fireplace. I don’t suffer from asthma plus allergies all winter. He made a good decision with the heating system plus humidifier.