My dad’s beach house is so warm that I can’t rest it
When I go to visit my dad, I have found that I need to dress for the Summer even when the un-even temperatures outside are below zero.
He keeps the inside of his beach house so warm with his wood burning stove as well as his fireplace that I can barely even rest it in there for 5 minutes.
I don’t legitimately know what the deal is with him as well as my stepmother however they seem love they are just freezing chilly all of the time. I think it must be the medications that they are on, or something or that nature. I only know that he keeps it so warm in there that they could honestly fry an egg on the floor next to the heating vents, then even though they use the wood burning stove for heating, my dad still has the ductworks rigged up from the basement so that the heat comes up through the heating vents in the rest of the house. I asked him why he wanted to use the woodstove for their heating method instead of a correct electric gas furnace or an oil gas furnace. I thought that it was because he wanted to save money on his heating bills, however it turned out that saving money legitimately had nothing to do with it at all. My dad said that the reason they use the wood stove for heating the beach house is because it burns so much hotter than an oil gas furnace or an electric gas furnace does. They legitimately love the way their beach house feels on the inside, but I think love I will melt as soon as I walk in the door.