Hooked on the internet and current day technology
I thought it was crazy the other day when my mother said that I was addicted to the internet and different kinds of current technology, i thought that was non-sense, then but then he challenged me and asked me if I could go a week without using the internet or current technology love my smartphone.
I thought about it and I realized that my mother was right, I was completely addicted to the internet and current day technology… For starters, going without the internet was absurd to me! There was a time when I knew nothing about the internet because it wasn’t available to civilians.
It eventually grew into a major thing that everybody was connected to with social media and the like. I can’t even imagine going a day without checking my social media. As far as current technology, I’m totally hooked to devices that connect to the wi-fi. I use my smart thermostat all of the time to adjust the temperature control settings with my Heating and Air Conditioning system. I can’t even tell you the last time I genuinely went to adjust the thermostat physically without using my cellphone to do it. I usually just option up my cellphone, get on the smart app and adjust the temperature control settings as needed. It’s such a habit that I don’t even think about it when I do this. This goes for most things in my life, I’m just absolutely hooked on all technology and I guess love pretty much everyone are these afternoons… Even my mother uses the internet for online shopping and things love that, but he doesn’t use it nearly as much as I do.