The private school locker room
I was not the only one who complained
I totally hated having to be in the locker room when I was playing sports in private school; It wasn’t for the reason you may know though. It totally had nothing to do with the other kids or anything like that. It was the fact that the gosh darn locker room had the worst indoor air quality anyone could imagine! The indoor air quality of the locker room was so horrible that a whole cabin air purification idea certainly would not have even been able to maintenance it… Even when they ran the central heating as well as a/c idea it did not improve the air quality in that stuffy as well as truly awful smelling locker room, then to be tolerable it made myself and others sick to our stomach a lot of the time, so this is why I never went in there much. I would just change into our sports clothing in the mens room instead of the locker room, and at least in there the air quality wasn’t as bad! That is saying something when a public toilet had better air quality than the locker room that the private school provided! I don’t know why they never did anything about that awful air quality. I was not the only one who complained. All of us guys did. I always wondered if the ladies had the same problem with their private school locker room? Guess i’ll never know, and but I am just glad our private school sports days are over as well as I don’t have to know about that horrible locker room as well as it’s junky air quality!