Our escape was not what we had planned.
If you make it to twenty-five years of marriage, you’ll know what I’m talking about.
My husband and I have been married for 25 years and we have five kids.
The youngest is only fourteen. We haven’t had a private get away since our honeymoon, which is when we got pregnant. That was the last of our being newlyweds. The other week, my husband and I were talking about how we used to sneak away for privacy, when we were just dating. We would find a cheap hotel and take a room for a few hours. There were no roommates to interrupt us, and no loud parties to keep us from talking. We didn’t even care if there was heating or air conditioning. We thought that it might be fun to enjoy those moments again. We made a reservation at a small out-of-the-way hotel and we planned on going there for an afternoon. We both took the afternoon off from our jobs. I was giggling as we got the key from a less than happy looking office manager. We went to the room, and the doorknob was sticky. We walked in, and I just stared. The bed was dirty and there was no air conditioning Well, to be honest, there was an HVAC system in the room, but it didn’t work. I looked at my husband and he looked back. We knew this wasn’t for us any longer. We decided to go back to our home where there was air conditioning and a clean room. Our son wouldn’t be home from school for a couple hours, so we still had some private time to celebrate our anniversary.