Dog was sneezing up a storm; need air purifier
After I had an air purification system installed that works in tandem with my heating and cooling devices my dog seemed much happier
Several years ago I was out for a walk when I heard some strange sounds coming from off the road. I looked all around but I couldn’t find the source of the strange squeaking and whimpering. Eventually, I pushed some garbage aside and found a litter of puppies laying at my feet. Being an animal lover, I immediately took them into my own care and began finding homes for the adorable pups. Of course, I also kept one of the puppies as my own dog from that day forward. He has always been extremely strong, resilient, and healthy. That’s why I knew something was wrong the day that he started sneezing inside the house. At first, I thought that he was allergic to the perfume I was wearing but his respiratory distress continued. I took him to the vets but they were unable to identify his allergy without doing extreme testing. Eventually, I decided it was best to just call my heating and cooling technician and inquire about air quality control devices. I thought I might be able to filter my indoor air better in order to reduce the respiratory irritants that were affecting my puppy. After I had an air purification system installed that works in tandem with my heating and cooling devices my dog seemed much happier. He no longer sneezes his brains out whenever the AC unit or forced air furnace kicks into gear throughout the day. I love the new air purification system and my HVAC system actually seems to be running better than ever.