I felt legitimately stupid when our window air conditioning unit was stolen with our savings inside of it
I never legitimately thought that somebody would particularly chop into our household, however I still hid our backup supply of currency in a rather foolish place.
I put our currency in a plastic bin plus hid it inside of the window air conditioning unit.
Then when I came house 1 day plus went to turn on our cooling machine, I freaked out when the window air conditioning unit was missing! I called the police of course plus they were wondering why I was making a large deal about this window air conditioning unit that was stolen from our home. They said I could actually just get another window air conditioning unit, plus they weren’t sure if I would ever find it because window air conditioning units are stolen all of the time. I told them they didn’t understand, plus after that I told them that I stowed away all of our savings in that window air conditioning unit. The cops looked at myself and others plus 1 of them tried to hold back his laughter! Both the cops ended up laughing at myself and others because they said that was the dumbest place to ever hide your savings. They said I could have kept our savings in a bank like normal people, or I could have bought a safe that particularly was taxing to steal from, and when they asked myself and others how much currency I had in there, I felt even more foolish when I told them it was $5,000. They promised myself and others they would try to figure out where our window air conditioning unit went to, however they admitted that the window air conditioning unit was actually long gone by now. I believe I’ll never try to hide anything in our window air conditioning unit ever again after this horrible experience.
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