I asked him to remove his hat at my table.

He had to get a haircut to work for the HVAC company.

My granddaughter’s boyfriend had recently graduated with his HVAC certification and was offered a position with the local HVAC company. I never really liked the boy, but she thought he was special, so I accepted him. When he came to the house the next time, he was in his HVAC uniform. I knew he was showing off that he had a job, but I didn’t care. When they sat down at the table, I asked him to remove his hat. He told me it was part of his HVAC uniform, but I wasn’t impressed. I thought it was rude to come to the dining table with a hat on, and asked him to remove it a second time. My granddaughter wasn’t happy with my insisting he remove the hat, but I thought it was the least he could do. I told her that I wanted him to take the hat during the meal, and he could put it back on when we were done. When he took the hat off, it was all I could do to keep from laughing. He had to get a haircut to work for the HVAC company. Whoever gave it to him had left bald patches in some areas and forgotten to shave him in others. My granddaughter looked sheepish and put his hat back on his head. She told me she cut his hair, and he was moving so much that she messed up a little. Now, he had to wear the hat to hide his hair, and not because it was part of his HVAC uniform.

HVAC service plan

It’s hard to remember air conditioner filter changes

I learned that it’s much easier with a phone reminder that has an alarm attached to it.

I have gotten into the habit of creating agendas on my smartphone planner app and then using alarms to remind me of when I need to complete certain tasks. It’s extremely helpful for me as I tend to be forgetful for much of the time. In the past I sometimes made appointments at the dentist or doctor’s office months in advance only to forget about them by the time of their arrival. Some medical offices will charge you a fee if you miss their appointment or fail to reschedule at least 48 hours in advance of the original appointment itself. The worst offenders for this policy have to be psychiatrists. They seem to be shameless with all of the fees they’re more than happy to throw in your face if you have a serious emergency in your life and can’t possibly make it to the appointment or reschedule within the 48 hour time window. And the fact that their job is to help with mental health makes me even more frustrated by the situation. Another thing I struggle to remember all of the time is when I last changed the filter in my central air conditioning system. I learned that it’s much easier with a phone reminder that has an alarm attached to it. That way I will get a handy notification when it’s time to change my HVAC filter again. So far, I haven’t forgotten to change my HVAC once since creating the reminder. I need to do this with every single thing in my life that is time sensitive.

Heating corp

My HVAC condenser unit survived the hurricane

No one in this region wants to experience hurricanes, but we happen to live in the state that gets the most tropical cyclones, year after year.

Being on a long peninsula that stretches out into the ocean doesn’t help, as it automatically puts many of our cities in the direct path of many of these storms each year.

You have to be prepared and have good homeowner’s insurance at the same time. Some people are misled about this, because the homeowner’s insurance does not cause flooding if that is the reason for your home damage. You actually have to buy a separate insurance plan just for the flooding alone. I have both, but the expense is enough to give anyone a headache. When we learned that a massive hurricane was headed our way and could be a category 3, I expected the worst and told myself it would be a 4 or a 5 on the Saffir Simpson Scale. I was right, as the storm was about 95% of the strength of a category 5 hurricane. If it had strengthened a tiny bit more, that storm would have been in the strongest hurricane category on Earth. So how did my outdoor HVAC condenser survive unscathed? Even some of my house siding took a serious beating, but the condenser unit is in perfect condition. Whenever I need a new air conditioner again in the future, I’m going to stick with this particular manufacturer. They seem to make HVAC equipment that is built for literal warfare based on its strength and durability.

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The Heating angels weren’t with us this past summer

I’m pretty much super comfortable as I watch January work its way through my life. I prefer this time of year because the weather is just so pure. The rapidly increasing temperatures are good outside & the sunlight is shining almost all the time, however plus, the dang heat pump isn’t running. For several months out of the year, any time I walk out of the house, I can hear a chorus of heat pumps. Where I live, the heat pump is king & we have a village of them. We had a fantastic a single for a lot of years. But last Springtime, when the Heating & Air Conditioning professional came out to do the air conditioner tune up, she broke the news that the heat pump was done. It still was producing heating & cooling however it had hit its limit & would most likely fail truly soon. Well, I was caught napping on that a single as I undoubtedly hadn’t prepared for replacing the residential Heating & Air Conditioning. So I rolled the dice hoping for just a single more summer time season out of the heat pump before I put her out to pasture. I even made concessions at the control device & pushed the setting much higher last summer. But sure enough, mid November rolled around & I woke up a single day to a hot & sticky house. So much for rolling the dice. We had to wait a couple of weeks for the current Heating & Air Conditioning device to get here. Around here, a few hours without air conditioner is no picnic much less a couple of weeks. Our current residential Heating & Air Conditioning is awesome & I’m looking forward to several summers to come.


The Heating angels weren’t with us this past summer

It finally went on, the old heat pump bit the dust

I undoubtedly prefer the local Heating & Air Conditioning business that we’ve trusted for nearly thirty years now.

That undoubtedly says something in this day & age, and to guess that we stuck with the same heating & cooling business for that long is a testament to those Heating & Air Conditioning professionals, then we absolutely did some due diligence when we first bought this lake house to find a fantastic Heating & Air Conditioning business… And all the recommendations were spot on with the Heating & Air Conditioning professionals we chose.

the residential Heating & Air Conditioning device those Heating & Air Conditioning professional put in all those years ago has just now been updated; Finally, that old heat pump is on the way out. But due to good Heating & Air Conditioning repair & fantastic quality Heating & Air Conditioning equipment, we got 28 years out of that old heat pump. Where we live, the heat pump is cranking 7 or 8 months out of the year just for the cooling of the house… So it truly got to work out & we never babied it; Once the old heat pump turned twenty, I started doing some more research as I figured we had be replacing that heat pump pretty quick; I also started a savings account to be ready when the heat pump died. Well, 8 years later & there was a ton of currency in that savings account. We used it to get the truly latest in residential Heating & Air Conditioning & all the Heating & Air Conditioning technology we could ever ask for. I have to say, that I’m enjoying the best quality heating & air of my life these afternoons. But my hat is off to that old heat pump. That thing maintained all the heating & cooling needs of myself and others & my family for a truly long time. And for that, I’m truly grateful.


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I think I’m going to move south in a few months

In a few months, I think that I’m going to move south.

I have been considering it for quite some time now, but I think that I am actually going to go ahead and do it in the spring.

One of the things that has always annoyed me the most about living here where we live now is the fact that it gets so cold here so early in the year. The weather starts cooling down here in September and then it’s snowy and icy all the way through to May most of the time! I just can’t stand all of the cold weather anymore. I used to be able to stand it for longer back when I was younger, but these days I just want to be somewhere warmer during the winter. I get so worried about the possibility of my electric furnace tearing up that I just can’t think about anything else sometimes! Not to mention the fact that I have to spend a fortune on heating bills here during the winter. The electric furnace is not exactly all that energy efficient and I have been wanting to change to a different type of HVAC unit for a while now. I keep thinking that I might just buy a new HVAC system for the house but I would rather not if I’m just going to be moving anyway. I mean, it would probably make my house sell for more once I put it out on the market, but I just don’t know if I want to go to those lengths yet or not. I can’t wait to be living somewhere with warmer temperatures where I don’t have to worry about the heating system so much, though!
SEER ratings

We got a really good deal on our new furnace

We got a really good deal on our new furnace when we purchased it a few months ago.

  • We had not really been planning on buying a brand new furnace at this point, but we came across a deal that we just could not refuse.

See, we were actually talking to some people over at the HVAC company here in town about putting a new gas log fireplace in our house. We weren’t even in the market for a new furnace! That’s what made it so funny when we ended up buying our new furnace. While we were talking to one guy at the HVAC company about the gas log fireplace that we wanted, we just so happened to overhear a couple of guys in the stockroom who were talking about selling this floor model furnace unit just to get it out of the showroom. They were talking about how they needed extra room on the HVAC showroom floor for the new heating and cooling system models for the new year and they just wanted to get this other furnace unit out of there. One of the guys started laughing and he said that he would just about pay somebody to come and haul it out of there! Whenever I heard that, I knew that it was a sign that we should buy that particular furnace unit. We asked about them throwing in the furnace unit for a really cheap price if we purchased the gas log fireplace installation and they said yes! It was a deal that we definitely couldn’t refuse. We were in the right place at the right time.

My husband is going to be celebrating his 10th anniversary as an HVAC technician

My husband is going to be celebrating his 10th year as an HVAC technician in just a few months and we are actually thinking about throwing a party for him.

  • I was talking to his boss down at the HVAC company and he told me that having an HVAC technician working for him for a decade was really a big deal that he would like to celebrate.

He said that most of the time, the HVAC technicians who come to work for him are gone within a couple of years. The fact that my husband has been working there as their lead HVAC technician for the past ten years has been a really big deal for everyone there at their HVAC shop. Since he thought that it was such a big deal, he wanted to throw a party for my husband and I agreed with him. So now we are planning on throwing a little party for him in February. We are already planning it and it’s going to be a big deal. The owner of the HVAC company has rented out one of the big banquet rooms in a hotel downtown, and we are inviting everyone that we can think of to come to the party. I think that it will be a whole lot of fun and maybe it will inspire other people to stay at their jobs for longer. I know that most people don’t have a boss as great as my husband’s, but I bet it might help with staff retention at the HVAC company that they work at!
More information at this link

A smart thermostat is a great gift for my parents’ anniversary

A smart thermostat is a great gift for my parents’ anniversary that’s coming up next month.

I can’t believe that I never thought about it before, but it just wasn’t something that was really on my radar until just the other day.

I had our local HVAC technician over at my house to do some maintenance work on my oil furnace and we were talking about different things while he was working on it. I was just hanging around down in the basement with him and we were having a pretty good conversation. The talk turned to marriage and our wives and I told him how my parents are going to be celebrating their 50th anniversary this year. He asked what I was going to get as a gift for them and I told him that I didn’t know. That’s when he suggested that I purchase a new thermostat system for them. He told me all about the new smart thermostat units that they started selling at their company and I have to admit that I was intrigued. I had never even heard of a smart thermostat unit up until that point. I guess that I’m just all that caught up on today’s heating and cooling technology. But once he told me about these smart thermostat systems that are all the rage these days, I decided that he was right: it would be a really great anniversary gift. I am going to go up to the HVAC company to get all the paperwork started next week and I hope that they are going to love it.

Air conditioning system

I never thought he would be an Heating plus Air Conditioning worker.

My sister was 1 of the biggest snobs I had ever met. She looked down her nose at everything and almost almost everyone. She tried to pull her ‘I’m better than are you’ attitude on me, but it wasn’t working. I was her twin sister and knew her better than anyone. She told me that when her kid went to college, he was going to go to law or medical school. She wasn’t going to have her kid working in a factory or going into homes that you didn’t how the people lived. I told her she was a snob, but it didn’t faze her. I wondered what she was going to do when she found out her kid was planning on going to Heating plus Air Conditioning technical school next summer. My kid was telling me that after they graduate school, they are both planning on going to Heating plus Air Conditioning technical school. They’re both hoping for that end of class position in their professor’s Heating plus Air Conditioning business… Little do they know, but my hubby was going to be the professor next summer. The up-to-date Heating plus Air Conditioning professor is going to be retiring, and my hubby had been provided the position. Not only will my sister’s kid be working in houses that she may not deem worthy of him, but he’ll be working with his uncle, whom she doesn’t like. She thinks my hubby is crude and uneducated because he is an Heating plus Air Conditioning specialist. He has a degree in Heating plus Air Conditioning engineering and business, but she doesn’t need to believe that. Maybe 1 day I will educate her, but for now, it keeps her at arm’s length and that’s where I appreciate her.

