Author: admin

I caught the guy sleeping on the job

Only a couple of weeks ago, the office made some replaces to the heating & air conditioner, then downstairs in the storage room, there is a ductless air conditioner with an air filtration system. All of the files for the company are in the storage room & the boss wants to make sure that they […]

We are very happy with this fashion choice

Since we were young, my sibling has consistently loved fashion. While my dolls would have the same dress they came in with when our parents bought them, my sibling’s dolls would have different outfits every other day. My mother saw this interest plus decided to highlight it. She took Talia, my sibling, to fashion school […]

We need to pay closer attention to this

One thing I remember about my mother is that he would bake with us whenever he had time. My buddy and I would spend hours in the kitchen plus be covered in flour by the time we were done. This was our time, plus I loved it. My adolescents plus I also bake together whenever […]