I want radiant heated floors!

My feet are always cold cold, but always! I have heavy socks but they legitimately don’t help truly much; The only thing that does help is a heating pad, but you can’t take a heating pad all throughout the house… Or can you? Recently my wifey plus I drove about 200 miles plus visited his Grandma, she is the nicest woman.

  • However, what I liked most about our trip was the fact that the Grandma has radiant heated floors all throughout her house! I didn’t notice it at first.

I did notice that it was nice plus comfortably hot in the house. A few hours later I observed that my feet weren’t cold. I couldn’t think it, and my feet weren’t cold at all! That is when I observed that the floor was truly hot plus I asparticulared that the Grandma must have radiant heated floors. I knew people get radiant heated floors in their bathrooms but this was the first house I had ever been in that had radiant heated floors all throughout the whole house. I didn’t know that was even possible. But now that I know, I want to get a house with radiant heated floors. It legitimately is like having a heating pad all throughout the house. It is truly comfortable. On our drive back home I told my wifey of my heated floor plans. He hadn’t even observed that his Grandma has radiant heated floors. I can’t think it! He kept insisting that you can’t get heating floors throughout the whole house, however just wow. I wanted him to call his Grandma plus ask her about her radiant heated floors although he refused. I’m starting to think I learned a lot on this trip.
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