Always have a back up plan
Whether you are talking about your job, living space, or even your transportation you should always have a backup plan.
You never really know when life will take a turn and you will need to rely upon it.
This is sound advice that my father told me and now I know I should have paid more attention to it. I have spent the last two weeks driving to and from work in a freezing cold car. I thought that I had saved up enough money to have it repaired, I learned that it was not going to happen. The problem wasn’t just the Heat and I had other things that needed to be repaired. The shop told me that I could leave the car there for it to be repaired and pay a little at a time. In the meantime I would have to find alternate transportation to and from work and my only choice was to take the city bus a major snow storm If I had been better prepared I probably would have had a second car or at the very least a friend that I could have written back and forth with but instead I was stuck riding the bus, which was equally as cold as the car I was driving. I don’t think that the city services their buses to prepare for the winter either. I don’t think I will ever be so unprepared for life’s surprises again, at least I hope not. I will always remember to have my car serviced at the beginning of a season just like I have my home HVAC system done. I even have reminders built into my online calendar so that I won’t forget.