The summer is unbearable without AC
Last summer I went an entire month without having air conditioning and I have to tell you that it was one of the worst experiences of my life! Now I have to say it is entirely my fault because I knew about heating and air conditioning two and I’ve said it didn’t bother to take proper care of my air conditioning system. I had this false idea that heating and AC tune-ups aren’t really that important and that I could get by with not taking proper care of my AC system and that it would be just fine. My neighbor, who worked as a heating and AC technician in the past, told me that it was a bad idea and warned me that we were even going to have a bad heat wave coming through. He told me that this heat wave could very well be the one thing that causes my air conditioning system to break down and that I’ve been lucky so far to not have any issues. But as I usually did I didn’t listen to him and I didn’t take it seriously and I would later regret the decision I made when my air conditioning system actually did break down. I never expected it, but I will never forget waking up in the middle of the night hot and sweaty. I went over to the thermostat on the wall to turn on the AC only to see that the AC wasn’t working. So I did what most people would do when they find out their AC wasn’t working and I called my HVAC business to schedule an appointment for them to come out and fix it. The problem was that the heating and AC businesses were swamped with other people that were in a similar situation as me. After winning 3 weeks for the heating and AC appointment to finally arrive, I knew for sure that I wasn’t going to make the same mistake again.