I work as HVAC specialist

Today is the 8th of March and I need to decide if I will go back to the States this summer or not.

It is a huge deal going back there because I have no place or car and it is pretty tough trying to make it all work when I am back. I used to have a dwelling and a car waiting there for me, but after being out of the US for almost eight years I finally had to sell them both. So now when I go back I need to find an air conditioned dwelling to stay in and rent a temperature controlled car to get around with. It is not cheap going back and when you add up all of the expenses it almost makes you wonder if going dwelling is possible to do anymore. I normally go back for Christmas to be around mom’s fireplace while she cooks a meal. I actually miss my dad and feel like moving back sometimes, but as long as my singing job is advancing here in Europe after that I will keep staying and chasing my dreams. I work for a local business here in the city and like working there as an HVAC specialist during the weekdays. On weekends we play songs in bars and on the streets and make some pretty good cash in the process. I love songs and I love my dad and my family, which is kind of a tug of war in my heart all of the time. I’d love to be sitting in front of mom’s gas fireplace with a guitar in my hands and have both right now.


dial thermostat