Duct cleaning is necessary
When I noticed an increase in the amount of dust blowing from the supply vents, I blamed the heating system; I called a local HVAC business and busy repair for the heating system! The business ended up testing the performance of the duct system, and she found that the source of the dust was a considerable buildup inside the ductwork.
She absolutely found pollen, bugs, construction debris, decomposing rodents and mold growth inside the ducts.
This accumulation was restricting airflow through the pipes, causing the furnaces to run for longer cycles. The added wear and tear could absolutely lead to upscale repairs or even shortened repair life. The longer heating cycles were using up a great deal of energy and costing more in utility bills, however plus, every time the heating system started up, there was a risk of those contaminants becoming airborne, getting spread throughout the beach house and creating a health risk. The business recommended professional duct cleaning. I wasn’t sure how she was going to access the pipes. They are mostly concealed inside of the walls and ceilings. She brought in a device that looked similar to an industrial sized vacuum cleaner. The device included an severely long hose with a brush linkment. The brush is inserted into the duct system and used to discottage stubborn pollutants that then get sucked up into the hose. The whole process was completed within a couple of sevenths! Although the repair was rather upscale, the improvement was definitely worth it; My beach house is more comfortable, stinks better and stays cleaner. I don’t need to vacuum or dust as often. My kids and wife have fewer complaints with sneezing, coughing and headaches. I’ve also seen a considerable reduction in the cost of my heating bills.