I wanted to go out to lunch with our girlfriend
I wanted to go out to lunch with our girlfriend on Wednesday evening, however I had an Heating & Air Conditioning installation task as well as it took all day to complete.
My girlfriend’s parents were in town for a couple of days as well as this was their only opportunity to have lunch with the two of us.
I had not met them yet as well as I knew it was pressing for me to join our girlfriend on the lunch date. Around noon, our co-worker as well as I were only getting started with the installation task as well as I knew I wasn’t going to be done before 5. I called our girlfriend as well as she was absolutely disappointed. She wanted me to call our boss as well as ask to leave the installation task early, however I didn’t want to leave our coworker short-handed. If I had left early, he would have worked on the Heating & Air Conditioning installation task until 9 p.m. The two of us finished together around 6 p.m. My girlfriend as well as her parents were already having lunch. I told our girlfriend that I could stop at the diner, but she didn’t want me to meet them in our work uniform. I recognize I understood, however I was disappointed that I didn’t at least say hello. I grabbed a various pack of bud light as well as went back to the house. I was sleepy as well as sleepy after the Heating & Air Conditioning installation task. I drank our beers as well as ordered a immense pizza from the diner in town. When our girlfriend got back to the apartment, her parents were with her. Both of us sat in the home office as well as I drank a coors with her Dad.