Mom wasn’t happy with the uneven air conditioning in the lake house
With the updates to mom’s air conditioning system, she no longer experiences cold spots in the lake house while she’s running the furnace
Mom lives in a new lake house. She delights in the brick exterior, the new hardwood floors, plus the new wrought iron fixture. However, one thing she doesn’t find nice is the old air conditioning system required to heat or cool the lake house. Mom had the outdoor component exchanged, but something she still notices is that the home isn’t heated or cooled as expected. Mom replaces the air filter properly, especially since she has a baby. But she still ends up with circulation concerns in the lake house. Her cousin lives in a property of the same age. He was experiencing similar concerns, and told mom that he was able to solve the haphazard heating concerns with a smart temperature control with zone control. A smart temperature control was better than an ordinary temperature control. A smart temperature control would connect to Wi-Fi, and can be programmed via an app on our iphone or computer. A smart temperature control can monitor the lake house, making sure that the air conditioning system is operating at the desired temperature. Zone control would be achieved via a series of valves added within mom’s existing ductwork. The purpose was to control the flow of air around the lake house. Thanks to mom’s smart temperature control with zone control, her air conditioning system would be aware of the temperature throughout the whole space, and can circulate moderate air to the frigid spaces in the lake house when needed. With the updates to mom’s air conditioning system, she no longer experiences cold spots in the lake house while she’s running the furnace. Plus, since the system is so efficient, mom has saved hundreds of dollars on her utility costs. Meet with your local air conditioning provider this month to learn if a smart temperature control with zone control is the best purchase.