It was too warm to ride the motorcycle.

I used to adore riding my motorcycle. When I was younger, I didn’t guess anything could stop me from jumping on the motorcycle and taking off down the road. I would ride all day and go wherever the road took me. The wind in my face and flowing through my hair was all the a/c I needed. Once I got married and had a family, I didn’t have much time to get on my motorcycle. I rode it to labor when the weather wasn’t inclement, and once in a while, I would pull it out of the garage on a weekend. Usually, I was riding in the car, trying to drown out the screams of my adolescents, and the drone of my wife’s voice as she tried to calm down the adolescents. I had the a/c blowing in my face, and the sound dock drowned out the noise. I know I got so used to the a/c of the vehicle that I found I minded the heat more than when I was younger. I thought I could go back to the motorcycle when I got a divorce, but I found it was too warm to ride. I missed the know of the wind in my hair, but I missed the a/c of the vehicle even more. I worked on my vehicle to get even more a/c and gave up on the motorcycles except for Springtime and fall. It surprises me how much getting older has changed me. I find that I absolutely need a/c more than I need to be free.


Heat pump