Is this right for me though?
I was talking about starting our own Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation.
- I had no system for how to go about starting a Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation on our own, plus obviously I decided to go to some meetings for small corporation owners for help.
They gave myself and others all the information on choosing a name for our new Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation plus registering it. What they didn’t tell myself and others was how to get people to buy into our corporation. My sibling had started his own online corporation plus I asked him what exactly he did. He explained that online, all the corporation is right there for all the people online to see. As long as you put in ads plus add the right amount of SEO plus other special wording that makes your ads seeable when someone does a search, you’ll get plenty of business. He told myself and others it was important to have a website for when people come and click on the ads. Without a website, they have no way of checking you out plus eventually letting you think they need Heating plus Air Conditioning help. He told myself and a few others I needed to have our physical address on the website, along with an SMS plus a real number for them to contact me. My mind was boggled with all the information he was giving in such a short time. I knew he knew what he was doing, even though I didn’t understand a damn word of it. I asked if I needed SEO services, or a website builder just to get business and told me I needed a little sibling who did SEO services plus web design.