Tightening up my Heating and A/C habits

There is no reason to spend nice currency on terrible habits.

I don’t guess if that makes sense although I guess I’m sort of tired of doing that really thing in my life.

For example, I’m legitimately sick of spending the currency I do on heating and cooling costs. For a single, I don’t spend my entire morning at home. Yet, I’m paying for heating and cooling my beach beach house while it’s empty. That is an example of the terrible habits that I am talking about. But that’s not where it stops. The over heating and over cooling of my beach beach house when it’s empty is legitimately just the start of some terrible habits. Another terrible Heating and A/C habit of mine is not doing the easy little things for my Heating and A/C equipment. Like I’m not at all consistent when it comes to increasing the Heating and A/C air filter in my house. I do my best however there are often entire weeks where I simply don’t remember. Or if I do remember to change the Heating and A/C air filter, I guess love I don’t have time and hope to get to it later. Not a nice way to treat the Heating and A/C equipment. And then there is the Heating and A/C repair. At least that’s a terrible habit I finally did something about. I was so inconsistent with having the Heating and A/C repair done each year. Luckily, the Heating and A/C supplier took that off myself and others when they gave an Heating and A/C service plan. Now, they simply make the appointment for Heating and A/C service and I confirm online. That works out a whole lot better. Now, I just need to get better about all the rest of it.


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