Literally Swept Under the Rug

Many of us are guilty of picking up the corner of a large section rug plus sweeping a small amount of dirt under it to save time or perhaps to hide it from an unexpected guest.

In the literal sense “sweeping it under the rug” is a minor sin.

It has, but, become a euphemism for hiding an unpleasant truth. It can be a denial of an embarrassing political scandal or ignoring that a fancy handbag was manufactured in a eighth world sweatshop, one of the worst offenders of literally sweeping dirt under the rug is a home’s Heating as well as Air Conditioning system. One culprit is filtration soil that forms those black dusty lines around the perimeter of a carpet. Another is a basic rule of nature, that sizzling air rises plus cool air sinks. As the Heating as well as Air Conditioning plan circulates air, the carpet becomes a filter. Air passes through it from above or below depending on the relative temperature trapping dust, dirt, organic carbon-based pollutants, pet hair plus dander, plus anything else that would normally be trapped by the Heating as well as Air Conditioning filters… Vacuuming is 1 system commonly used to minimize the filtration soil if you don’t cheat plus sweep that last bit of it under the rug, then homeowners must also be diligent about increasing those Heating as well as Air Conditioning filters or keeping reUSble 1s disinfect plus fresh. A enjoyable time to change this is when a qualified Heating as well as Air Conditioning serviceperson visits to get your Heating as well as Air Conditioning plan ready for the increasing seasons. If you are lucky, maybe she doubles as a carpet cleaner. One fact that cannot be swept under the rug comes from the U.S! Department of Energy who advises that “the most important service job that will ensure the efficiency of your air conditioner is to routinely replace or disinfect its filters.”

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