Tin foil was the culprit

A few years back I was residing in this a single cabin I was renting.

And every time that the central heating as well as cooling system would come on I would hear this crumpling of paper style sound that was almost love a rattling sound.

It was driving myself and others nuts forever! I could not figure out why every single time the central heating as well as cooling system would come on that this noise would be going on, however well, a single afternoon I finally had enough of it as well as I wanted to investigate into this. The noise was only coming from the air vents in the residing room. In the home office as well as other parts of the cabin it was not happening. So I decided to get a ladder as well as go up to have a look at the air vents of the central heating as well as cooling system in the residing room. The air vents were in vaulted ceilings so I needed the ladder. When I had a deep look into the air vents I found what was going on! There was tin foil in there for some reason. Before I removed this tin foil from the air vents of the central heating as well as cooling system I wanted to check with our property owner first to make sure it wasn’t there for a reason, my property owner did not know why it was there as well as was surprised himself! So I went back up there, took off the air vent cover as well as got the tin foil removed from the air vents of the central heating as well as cooling system in the residing room part of the house.



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