How can I supplement my heating system?
Correct me if I’m wrong
This 2020 year has been extremely chaotic. Between Tiger King, the pandemic, the murder hornets, almost going to war, the protests as well as the fact that it’s an election year, I can see why some people think that the two of us might be living in the end times. Even in the end times, but, I want to have my electric heating as well as cooling. My Heating as well as Air Conditioning as well as indoor comfort will consistently be critical to me. I don’t believe how people ever lived without it. I will say, though, I consistently dread the Winter months. The bills are upscale in the Winter as well as the weather consistently gets pretty rough. It got me thinking about supplementary heating chances as well as I realized I have next to zero expertise about how electric heating (and cooling) absolutely works. My gas furnace does a good task of keeping me as well as the family warm, however like I said before that quarterly heating bill gets pretty high. Does anyone here have any energy saving tips or recommendations for supplementing my heating system. I thought about portable space heaters, however if I plug in a space oil furnace as well as use electricity for it isn’t that effectively the same thing as using my gas furnace? Maybe it’s not, however it seems like a zero sum game at that point. Correct me if I’m wrong. Portable space furnaces are the only solution I’ve been able to come up with besides installing a fireplace (which I’m not willing to do). Please let me believe any heating tips as well as tricks that you’ve used to supplement your heating as well as lower that heating bill!