Author: admin

I took a cold swim before warming myself up

I woke up this day at 5am plus couldn’t fall back asleep due to the entire excitement my heart feels about life. That sounds kind of ridiculous for someone who is 55 years old, but if you actually reside in your life with hope then it doesn’t matter how outdated you are, you will still […]

Warming myself up with a radiant heater

I woke up this morning at 5am plus couldn’t fall back asleep due to the excitement my heart feels about one’s life. That sounds kind of silly for someone who is 55 years old, but if you live your life with hope then it doesn’t matter how outdated you are, you will still get gleeful […]

Doing HVAC work was really rough on my knees

The local company near myself and others does therapy for things such as bad knees plus I can unquestionably get some help from them while I work on my heating plus cooling systems for my heating, ventilation, plus A/C tech job. I will need new knees at some point in my life, however I am […]

Today I write seven hvac articles

I have to write twenty more articles this weekend and I am all caught up again. This week was a little hectic with flying back overseas and with my knee news I got yesterday. I had an MRI done of my knees and they told me that almost all of the cartilage is gone from […]