Helping the new HVAC technician
Today I had a heating and air conditioning guy come out to my home to repair my AC unit.
I couldn’t see anything wrong with my AC unit but however, it had been making a lot of strange noises lately and so I decided to be on the safe side to call a heating and a super professional to come out and take a look at it and see what the problem might be.
When the heating and cooling guy came out I think he must have been new because he seemed confused about exactly what I was supposed to do. Clearly he knew that he was supposed to look at our heating and air conditioning system, but apart from that he wasn’t sure how to fix it. Funny enough I myself used to work in a heating and AC industry and so I could say that I know my way around that he didn’t have an AC unit. Now I’m literally for me. It has been a while and HVAC technology has changed significantly since I did it, but I figured I could still give the guy some help. I told him I used to be a heating and AC worker and asked him what it was he wasn’t sure on and he went and was pointing out some components in our air conditioning unit. Between the two of us we were able to figure out what was wrong with it, me using my knowledge of heating and AC technology, and him using his knowledge of modern HVAC technology. It might have changed some but it wasn’t that different.