Despite energy saving measures, heating plus cooling costs are high

I’ve updated to thermal pane, low E windows to combat air leaks plus drafts, but just recently, I updated my control unit.

The temperature in the northeastern section of the country can drop down into the negative twenties just as genuinely as it soars into the mid nineties. My local section sees dangerous wind chills, high winds, torrential downpours, cold rain, blizzard conditions, thunderstorms, feet of snow accumulation, hail plus excessive humidity. While the winters are cold cold plus the summers super hot, the fall plus Spring are regularly cold plus wet. There is very little break between running the oil furnace plus the air conditioning system. Heating plus cooling account for more than fifty percent of my annual utility bills. I have invested into an Energy Star, high-efficiency, state-of-the-art oil furnace plus air conditioning system for my home. I take very great care of the equipment, replacing air filters every month plus arranging for professional repair every year. I’ve added a ventilation proposal to bring in fresh air plus help with humidity in the summer. During the winter, the ventilation proposal uses the outgoing air to preheat the incoming air plus reduce demands on the oil furnace. Every fall, I go around plus caulk any cracks or leaks I might find. I check the integrity of the insulation in the attic. I’ve updated all of the exterior doors plus weatherstripped them. I’ve updated to thermal pane, low E windows to combat air leaks plus drafts, but just recently, I updated my control unit. I spent several hundred dollars on a smart control unit with occupancy sensors. The unit knows when rooms are empty or occupied plus adjusts heating plus cooling accordingly. Despite all of my efforts, I’m still not ecstatic with the cost of monthly utility bills.

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