We worked hard to take out an illegal ring
The group of us were tipped off by one of our informants about an illegal ring of people that were selling modern AC appliances.
- The AC units were still modern in the box and people were buying them out of the back of a truck for half price.
At first, we had to do a fair amount of investigative work. The bunch of us talked to lots of different people and we performed surveillance for several weeks. After that, we put someone undercover to infiltrate the theft ring, however one of our modern guys was sent to the truck to buy a modern AC appliance. The guy told the guy running the truck that he works for an AC parts warehouse and could get his hands on some more materials. After that it was pretty simple to get the poor guy to supply up his main company. The guy was singing like a caged bird when we had him processed and ready to book for numerous years in prison! It turns out that the AC units were stolen from a warehouse in another state. They were shipped to this particular area because the uneven temperatures are much warmer while in the Summer and the AC appliances can fetch more cash than they could in that arena. The guy that we charged with a crime turned out to be the grandson of one of the judges that serves in this county so the entire case was on the news for numerous months. The trial was televised every single afternoon and people followed the news on the case for many months after it was over.