My roommate and I had a conflict about the thermostat

It infuriates me, because I took a roommate to save money and now my utility bills were almost doubled because of how much he ran the air conditioning! I decided to keep calm about it, and explain to Pat how more moderate climate control usage results in saving a hundred or more dollars a month on utility bills

After living on my own for my entire adult life, I had to get a roommate. This was a dire need for financial reasons, so even though it was the last thing I wanted to do, I had no choice. They keep raising prices, they keep raising rent, but they never raise pay do they? So Pat moved into the spare bedroom, and that alone makes it possible for me to keep living in this house that I love so much. I tell you, as soon as I get enough money coming in, I will kick Pat right out and go back to living alone, and won’t feel bad about it. The main problem so far is the air conditioning, because Pat likes it a whole lot colder inside than I do. Pat is the type of person who will crank down the thermostat to the lowest setting just so he can wrap himself in a blanket to watch TV. It infuriates me, because I took a roommate to save money and now my utility bills were almost doubled because of how much he ran the air conditioning! I decided to keep calm about it, and explain to Pat how more moderate climate control usage results in saving a hundred or more dollars a month on utility bills. If Pat wanted to keep using the AC so much, then he should have to pay more than half of the utility bill, a compromise I thought was fair. Pat didn’t think it was fair, though, so we may have to part ways soon.
multi split air conditioning