I’m not doing something right here

I had written several, what I called, at least, unquestionably great ads for our Heating plus Air Conditioning corporation.

I put them all over facebook plus twitter. I thought for sure I was going to be inundated with iPhone calls plus rapid website clicks, even though I was so wrong. I didn’t get a single iPhone call or modern website visit from our ads. I was unquestionably upset about our ads. I paid a lot of freaking money to get our ads on facebook, plus I had no system why they weren’t working. It highly aggravated myself and others that our ads weren’t working, plus I was on a new mission. I started looking at different websites to see what I did wrong. The only thing I possibly could see was that I hadn’t put the right wording in the ads, or facebook hadn’t put it in the exact areas I had chosen. I called our sibling plus asked for her opinion. She quickly asked myself and others what our web address was, plus acted as if it was all she could do to keep from laughing. I wanted to think about what was so funny. She asked if I was serious about getting people to our website and getting business? Of course I was serious, or I wouldn’t have created a website. She solidly told myself and others that if I wanted someone to ask questions or want to be a customer, I seriously had to have a landing page plus somewhere for people to sign up. I didn’t have either. As far as our ads not working, she said they were lousy plus didn’t deliver any useful information that would tell people how to reach me.
marketing business