It would have been funny if he hadn’t been so upset.

The funny part came when one of the team members got overly anxious and dropped his screwdriver into the AC unit.

Being an instructor at a college where they teach HVAC certification courses, I have seen a lot of things. Some of my students have no trouble doing the work and going on to being terrific HVAC technicians. There are some students that no matter what they do, they just can’t get the hang of the job. I had one young man who had me holding my breath in an attempt not to laugh at him. We were in class with some old air conditioning units and furnaces that had been deliberately sabotaged. The future HVAC techs had to go to the furnace and the air conditioning unit in teams, and find everything that was wrong with the HVAC equipment. One team had every spot that was sabotaged, but it took them nearly an hour. Another team quit after an hour and they hadn’t found a single one of the sabotaged parts. Then the third team got up to the HVAC equipment. They were quickly figuring out what our team of instructors had done to the furnace and air conditioning unit. The funny part came when one of the team members got overly anxious and dropped his screwdriver into the AC unit. His embarrassment was quite funny, and some of his classmates couldn’t hold back their laughter but I had to. Fortunately for me, when I got home, I was able to laugh at him all I wanted. It was so much fun watching my son flounder when he lost that screwdriver. He’s going to make a fine HVAC technician one day, but he needs to learn to take his time.


ductless heat pump