I don’t appreciate the air

Everyone in city goes to the local tavern on the weekends to relax, hang out, have drinks plus have a good time.

  • However, I do not do this! Not because I am not liked by people or that I am a hermit.

It is just that I do not appreciate the air quality in there. It is 1 of the only bars in the area that has nor outlawed smoking inside. And I simply just allergic to the smoke plus the air quality as a result of all that cigarette smoke in there. Air quality is pressing wherever I am at. If the air quality is not great, I will not be there. This is because I have sensitive pollen irritations that have been with myself and others as long as I can remember. I have a whole beach beach house air purification plan in our own beach beach house because of how sensitive I am to air quality plus the allergens in the air. Without the whole beach beach house whole-house air purifier, I do not guess I could even live in the area in which I do. The air quality here is not good, although I have a task that pays well. That is the only reason I stay. But I can only wish that they would ban indoor smoking at that tavern/bar. Because I would appreciate to be able to enjoy that sometime. The way things are ever changing around here, it may happen eventually. I just have to be patent plus wait to see. But in the meantime, at least there are other places that have that smoking ban!


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