My blind date was an Heating, Ventilation, & A/C specialist I worked with.

My lady was always telling me that I needed to get out & do more than work.

I loved our task, & however I did labor hard, I also had fun.

I loved being a Heating, Ventilation, & A/C specialist, even if it wasn’t a task that was considered relaxing for women. Even though I enjoyed our work, our lady wanted me to go out with a guy & have some fun. She had set me up on a blind date with her bestie’s brother. I wasn’t hepped up to go on a blind date, however I didn’t want to say no when she had already arranged the whole thing. I dressed to impress, complete with makeup & perfectly manicured nails. My lady told me she would option me up, & all of us were going to her bestie’s for dinner, & then I were going dancing. You have no system how shocked I was to see a fellow Heating, Ventilation, & A/C specialist at the apartment. I had never met Brooke’s bestie, so I didn’t think who his brother was. Both Charlie & I laughed when he saw me. Then he told me I looked relaxing when I didn’t have a Heating, Ventilation, & A/C uniform on. Then he whispered that I looked relaxing in anything. I had to smile. I had a crush on him from the first time I saw him in the Heating, Ventilation, & A/C office. He had a killer smile & he was smart. It didn’t surprise me that he was 1 of the top Heating, Ventilation, & A/C specialists in our business. Now, I’m wondering if he’s going to be 1 of the top men in our life?

