My blind date was an Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation I worked with.
My lady was always telling me that I needed to get out plus do more than work.
I enjoyed my task, plus however I did work hard, I also had fun.
I enjoyed being a Heating as well as Air Conditioning dealer, even if it wasn’t a task that was considered great for ladies. Even though I enjoyed my work, my lady wanted me to go out with a woman plus have some fun. She had set me up on a blind date with her guy’s sister. I wasn’t hepped up to go on a blind date, even though I didn’t want to say no when she had already arranged the whole thing. I dressed to impress, complete with makeup plus perfectly manicured nails. My lady told me she would choice me up, plus we were going to her guy’s for dinner, plus then I were going dancing. You have no idea how shocked I was to see a fellow Heating as well as Air Conditioning corporation at the apartment. I had never met Brooke’s guy, so I didn’t guess who her sister was. Both Charlie plus I laughed when she saw me. Then she told me I looked good when I didn’t have a Heating as well as Air Conditioning uniform on. Then she whispered that I looked great in anything. I had to smile. I had a crush on him from the first time I saw him in the Heating as well as Air Conditioning office. She had a killer smile plus she was smart. It didn’t surprise me that she was one of the top Heating as well as Air Conditioning dealers in our dealer. Now, I’m wondering if he’s going to be one of the top women in my life?