No one ever told him he stinked

I can admit, I have been one of those people who was extremely judgemental towards others before. It has been honestly challenging for myself and others to keep my thoughts to myself when I have seen people acting in ways that I did not understand. It’s honestly simple to see somebody who has bizarre behaviors, bizarre opinions, and even bizarre levels of hygiene from you and guess the worst. However, you have to realize that people simply do not believe what they do not know. This is what I realized Last year when I was talking to one of my stinkiest co-workers and finally realized that nobody had ever mentioned his unpleasant air quality to him before. For the longest time I have worked with this guy who has the worst bodily odor. It’s hard to understand where the stench is coming from with him, because he stinks like an accumulation of cooking stinks, BO, creature dander, and burnt garbage. Honestly, I have just avoided him as much as possible to avoid his unpleasant air quality. However, the other afternoon all of us were really having a conversation when I went to adjust to the office temperature control. As I was messing with the dials for the indoor air temperature control devices, my co-worker mentioned that the heating and cooling system was much more powerful than his own A/C component and gas furnace. Every one of us started talking about air quality control component repair and he seemed completely baffled when I mentioned increasing the air filter or having a professional duct cleaning. Apparently the guy has never cleaned his heating and cooling system. Apparently he also lives with a lot of roommates and creatures. Well, now I think bad… I suppose that his body odor was really coming from his Heating plus Air Conditioning system.


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