Stuck babysitting their Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional
My parents do the snowbirds thing plus they live down the street from me.
It is entirely convenient for them that I live nearby, not entirely for me. When our parents leave I suddenly have a lot of work to do. My mother is all over me to water his plants on a annually basis. My father wants me to start their car plus move it around the property almost everyday. They frequently mess up plus send packages to the southern lake house or see something on the security camera that I need to check out. The worst is when they hire a repair done plus I need to babysit the dealer. My father enjoys to have a Heating, Ventilation plus A/C company come to the house when they are not there. I then need to take a day off of work to babysit the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C worker, pay him plus then hound our parents to reimburse me. If there is a repair needed, it is such a mess. My father won’t directly talk to the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C professional! So I am the go between guy asking questions, hashing out prices plus scheduling another appointment that I am invociennce. I usually just tell the Heating, Ventilation plus A/C company to make hte repair right then plus there plus I pay for it. It is worth a few hundred bucks not to have our father haggling over the iphone with me translating. Someday they will live down south full time. That will be nice since I might make them house sit when I go on getaway. I will make sure to get a Heating, Ventilation plus A/C tune up during it.
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