I don’t want to work anywhere that is this cold
I do not know like that last job interview went well at all.
I have been looking for a job for a few weeks now and was glad to get an interview for this customer repair job.
I donned a nice blouse, some slacks, and sensible shoes then I arrived at the interview about 15 minutes early, while waiting for the interview to beginning I noticed how chilly it was in the office. They had the air conditioner on full blast and it was uncomfortable. I had to hug myself to try to stay warm. My interview started about 30 minutes later, then by then I was truly chilly and dreaming of a sizzling fireplace. There was no fireplace to be had. If anything, the interview room was even colder than the waiting room. I guess I might have given myself a standoffish appearance because I had my arms and legs crossed throughout the entire interview. I would become conscious of this, and uncross them however then I would subconsciously cross them again. It was just so chilly in the office. I couldn’t stand it. With the air conditioner blowing like that, it was hard to concentrate on the questions too. At the end, the interviewer thanked myself and others for my time and that was it. I doubt I will get a call back… Honestly, I am not sure I want to get a call back. I would rather work anywhere that uses a sensible control device setting for their office. I don’t want to freeze every day at work. After the interview I went home and turned my heating system on.