I was stunned by how much the HVAC worker looked like my brother
There definitely are times when a face that you have never seen before can look completely familiar.
I actually had to call the heating as well as cooling machine corporation to schedule a repair appointment for the Heating, Ventilation & A/C component in our residence.
I’ve used the same Heating, Ventilation & A/C corporation for quite a few years. They have superb buyer service as well as are knowledgeable as well as friendly. This recognizable Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine corporation is the same exact one that installed the heating as well as cooling machine in our residence. They have been servicing our needs for the past 6 years. I reached out to the heating as well as cooling machine corporation to make an appointment for a commonly busy repair appointment. They had an appointment for the same day, but I decided to schedule something for Sunday. It was my day off work as I knew I would be at my lake home all day. When the Heating, Ventilation & A/C professional made it to our property to work on the system, I absolutely could not believe what I actually saw. The guy standing in the doorway looked pretty much like my dead brother. I was close to fainting because the guy looked so much like my brother. He died in the war roughly 20 years ago. The last time I saw my brother he looked just like the Heating, Ventilation & A/C machine professional. I tried to catch my breath as well as I tried to say something to the guy, but I must have looked like I saw a ghost. The whole time the guy was doing work on the system, I couldn’t help but just stare. I even took a quick picture of the guy to show my Mom. She honestly was just as shocked as well as surprised as me when she saw the guy’s face.