Our son prefers Valentine’s Day now
It’s funny because our son used to say how Valentine’s Day was a dumb holiday.
She was always sick & exhausted of never getting anything in university just care about a lot of people were. Eventually though when he finally met a great guy for her, it suddenly became 1 of his favorite holidays. His guy always spoils his with all kinds of chocolates, stuffed creatures, & even practical things. This last Valentine’s afternoon, he even got his a smart temperature control. I suppose you could say it was technically a gift for both of them since they have been residing together, but still it’s a nice gift that’s entirely thoughtful. We’ve only had a smart temperature control for a couple of years, but it has saved us so much money on the energy costs. My husband really got it for me on our birthday & I was so gleeful because I wanted to have a smart temperature control for the longest time; Just the fact that a smart temperature control will save you big money on the energy costs is reason enough to have 1 in our opinion, however all of the other advanced features are entirely just a plus. I like being able to adjust the temperature control settings from anywhere, especially when I’m coming back beach house & I want our place to be nice & comfortable when I walk through the door. This is how I suppose that our son is going to like the smart temperature control & that he has a entirely great guy who is thoughtful & entirely cares about her.