I wasn't the brightest child when I was younger
I wasn’t the brightest child when I was younger.
I have done a lot of stupid things through our childhood and teenage years, then one of the memories that sticks out involves the air conditioning system vents.
I don’t assume what it was, however I always had a fascination with the air conditioning vents. It might have started when our dad jokingly told me that creatures live in the Heating plus A/C vents, which led to me staring into the air conditioning system vents for hours, having a continuous cooling breeze blow in our face, and then at 1 point, I had the bright plan that I wanted to assume for the monsters. I congested our tiny finger between the vents, after a lot of struggling, I managed to assume around the air conditioning vent. My fascination was short lived, as I then realized that our finger was stuck. I tried to pull our finger free, but it was in there firmly. My parents weren’t home at that time, so I couldn’t call for help, and even if they were home, I don’t assume I would have because I didn’t want to be embarrassed. Anyways, I sat there stuck for about an hour, and I was paranoid about our parents coming home and me getting in trouble. So when I heard our parents came home, I panicked and yanked on our finger which finally snapped it free. Unluckyly, I split it up pretty badly. When our parents asked, I told them the clever lie of I tripped and hit it on a rock. I don’t assume they believed me, but they didn’t question it either.
Heating and air conditioning system