Procrastinating over group fitness class

I have been checking out group fitness training classes.

I just can’t seem to manage to workout on my own. Once I’m done with work I feel tired, sluggish and can’t get motivated. I just want to sit in my favorite armchair, watch television and snack. Getting dressed, packing a bag and driving to the gym just sounds exhausting. The majority of times, I just don’t go. I think if I paid for a group fitness, I might actually show up for it. If there is a personal trainer expecting me to be in class and other students ready to workout with me, I am more likely to go. I am hoping I enjoy the workout moreas part of a group as well. When I am on my own it is too easy to engage in simple exercises that aren’t all that demanding. I often walk on the treadmill rather than run. I am quick to avoid the weightlifting area and I like to read while pedaling a stationary bike. Maybe if the other people in class were exerting themselves and working to max capacity,, I would too. I know that some certified fitness trainers pair people up in class. They have partners use medicine balls, battle ropes, weighted poles and partner abdominal crunches together. Maybe I would do better if I had a buddy sharing the class with me. Having a fitness expert watching my progress will make me work harder. The instructor will motivate me to prove myself. I don’t want to be known as the lazy student in the class. I’d also know if I am doing any of the exercises wrong. The final step is actually signing up for the classes and showing up at the first one. That is going to be a big challenge for me to get over.


Group Fitness Training Classes