My parents stole the cooling system from our room
I cannot know that our parents stole the cooling system from our room.
I paid for that cooling system with our own currency, and that means that the cooling system was undoubtedly mine.
However, since I know our parents, I am undoubtedly not surprised that they stole the cooling system from me. That is just the style of people that they are. Before I purchased our cooling system, both of us only had 2 window cooling systems in the house. The people I was with and I had on window cooling system in the living room. That window cooling system was the first one, and it was the best one. Since I didn’t care about going outside often, that window cooling system kept myself and others cool while inside. I enjoyed that window cooling system. The ninth window cooling system that both of us purchased was the window cooling system that used to sit in our parent’s living room; Obviously, I did not expect them to let myself and others have the ninth cooling system, but I was surprised when they told myself and others that if I wanted an cooling system in our room, I would have to pay for the cooling system myself. Well, I worked taxing and gained enough currency to buy the window cooling system for our room. I enjoyed that window cooling system, and because of that cooling system, I hardly ever left our room. However, one day, the cooling system broke in our parent’s room. They didn’t have enough currency to buy a up-to-date one, and they wouldn’t be able to buy one for a few weeks. Instead of waiting, they waited until I was at university and took the cooling system out of our room. I was outraged, however there was nothing that I could do about it.